About me

Hi! I am a third-year PhD student in theoretical computer science at Lund University, supervised by Susanna de Rezende. My research concerns computational complexity theory and proof complexity in particular. I am interested both in lower bounds and in interconnections between proof complexity and circuit, query, and communication complexity.


You can find my CV here.


  1. Graph Colouring Is Hard on Average for Polynomial Calculus and Nullstellensatz
    Joint work with Susanna de Rezende, Jakob Nordström, Shuo Pang, and Kilian Risse
    FOCS 2023
    [conference version]
  2. Geometric Bounds for Steklov Eigenvalues on Graphs
    Master’s thesis, Stockholm University
    Received a Mittag-Leffler Prize from the Stockholm University Department of Mathematics. [full text]
  3. Explicit Symplectic Integrators for Non-Separable Hamiltonians in Molecular Dynamics
    Bachelor’s thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
    [full text]